Monday 2 September 2013

Importance Of Traditional Art Work In Digital Design

In this topic we are going to discuss what the difference between art work and digital art is. Well one is form of contemporary art and other is the traditional art. The traditional art or that we call the old art work is the knowledge that is being passed down from generation to generations. In old days the wall art was used by Persians to tell their stories to the next generation. Later it changed to block painting and than canvas painting.

But now in the digital age, the art that is mostly used for vast variety of work includes the digital art and a little bit of the traditional art. However, traditional art is given far more importance due to its being the ‘classic’.
Image Credit - graphic mania

The relation of parent and child:

Traditional art and digital are just the same but the difference is that one is done with the out the help of digital tools but with the classic tools while second one includes digital tools. We can say that traditional art is parent art while digital art is child of the traditional art.
Image Credit - Clker

Digital design is dependent on art work:

It is a fact, whether people would like to believe it or not, that the digital design is dependent on the traditional art work. Because to draw digital graphics one needs to have information about drawing the same graphics on paper or any other hard copy medium. These all are forms of the classic art medium. But some say that people without learning the traditional art can draw digital figures easily. But drawing one thing and laying down the structures of a thing and bringing it on the digital medium by a proper plan and structure is another thing.
Image Credit - Design you trust

Art work forms the basis of design:

As said earlier, Traditional art forms the basis of contemporary art. Like, history is there to define what humans have become in today’s world. Just like that when we talk about the contemporary art, we cannot overlook the traditional art and its phenomenon.
Image Credit  - Deviantart

Graphic designers are experts in art work:

Graphic designers are the modern form of traditional artists. In old days, these graphic artists were called illustrators. But with the emergence of computer aided digital graphics, the word digital design has become more common.

These graphic designers hold a degree in digital graphics from visual studies departments of respective universities or are skilled traditional artists who know how to use computer to draw objects.

So, in a sense graphic designers are the modern traditional artists.
Image credit - Study discussions

Skills needed for both:

An artist needs to be skilled to be able to draw high quality drawings. Whether it is computer aided design or drawing on a canvas, both needs skilled people who are able to draw and know the terms and meanings of different objects related with the drawing.

In simple, a traditional or digital artist needs to be professional rather than just technical.
Image Credit - Like a team


Traditional art is very important for drawing digital graphics. Because a graphic designer needs to have the knowledge of traditional art other wise he will not be a professional in his field. We learn by our history and forgetting it leads to failure in the future. Traditional arts form the basis of contemporary art and it cannot be neglected.

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