Tuesday 3 September 2013

6 Ways To Get Positive Feedback From Clients

Every type of business involves clients and sales agents. Sales agents are nothing without the clients. That is why it is important for them to keep their clients satisfied. One of the ways to make them feel satisfied is by providing them good service. But how will you know if the client is feeling satisfied with the service or not? Getting positive feedback from a client is an art, and not every one can master it easily… There are some sales agents who are master of getting positive feedback from their clients.
Image Credit - Strategic Discipline

Let’s see how they do that.

Following are some of the points that are formed in to a researched article. These points were collected from a survey conducted across internet.

1. Provide the best service possible

As said earlier, one of the best ways to make a client content is by providing them the best service possible. This can be done by many ways, but for clients who work in the field, one of the best practices is to going on time and giving every type of support the client needs. For sales agents who work online as free lancers or are associated with a company. They need to be online at the given time. They should provide the best rates possible for the types of services they provide.
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When a client gives a good feedback, it not only increases the good will of that company, but chances of getting a new project from the same client increase.

2. Make it easier for them to respond

It often happens that after serving a client, most sales people do not bother to answer their calls again. This provides a bad impression of not only the client but of the whole company. And if client is associated with linked clients then it doesn't take long when the bad impression news reaches the clientele.

There are many cases in which most sales agent just vanished after getting paid, and when client’s needed them to fix some problem they do not show up. This action is not only ethically wrong but is also financially wrong for the business.

Image Credit -  Prosperity coaching

What the businesses should do is to introduce a response form for the clients so that they can contact the sales agents when ever they want.

3. Give support in every problem

Some times it happens that clients need support with in their work. The support does not mean providing the service to full extent. But some times the clients are getting the service the first time. It is also included in support to guide them properly and to give them a better suggestion if that can solve the problem.
Image Credit - Blog.viddler

For example: If a client wants a new website, however you think the website will look much better in the following way. You can give that suggestion to client and this will count as customer support.

4. Provide quality service

This is one of the first and most important tasks of a sales agent. The sales agent should provide quality services to all his clients. Because if he does not the client will not return and he will loose the business.

This step is the core step and it should be the number one choice of a business to gain more clients and increase ones own company reputation.

Image Credit - ardortranslations

Providing quality service means, not only providing the service but also providing value additions with in the service.

5. Respond to the feedback

When a client calls he expects that the call will be received by some one in the office. And when it doesn’t get received the plans of the client for the company changed. Getting feedback from a client is pretty important.
Image Credit - Flowchainsensei

Sometimes the client leaves a message for some one in the office. Those businesses flourish in the world that is good in customer support and public relations.

6. Send them a survey form at the end of the service

Well this practice is not repeated that often, but there are companies like airlines, restaurants and even super stores who ask the customers to fill a form, on this basis the company can evaluate and modify itself for the benefit of its clients.
Image Credit - salesbenchmarkindex

Final words

In the beginning we told you that getting positive feedback from a client is a little bit difficult. But now as we have told you the tips we can say that the positive feedback of a client will pour in if you are loyal to your work, provide quality and are honest with prices.

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