Thursday, 4 July 2013

Stepping in the Developing world

Website Development is an easy process if you are a talented developer. And if you are a newbie and want to get started with your website development than it can be a little hard. However, with the help of the following website development tips you can get to the right path quite soon. But practice and practice and practice is essential.
So, let me assume you are a beginner (as that will help me in writing the content for a beginner).

How will you get started?

Website Development includes programming for the bigger part but other small processes like use of Photoshop and other editing software’s can be involved a little bit. But mainly, it’s just the programming languages that are involved including PHP, HTML, Java script and jQuery.

Learning the languages:

Learning languages is hard, however, they are not difficult. Hard, and difficult are two different processes and learning languages is different while experimenting them is different. So:

Get hang of a theme:

People can start programming languages and make websites but that will need some talented people who will be able to develop websites from scratch without following any theme.

What many developers do, is to take out the theme from some free theme providers and start developing their first website. But you as starter needs to make sure that the theme you chose is easy so that you can understand what you are doing, while developing it. And then you can progress to the later and more complex parts.

Do as it’s in the theme:

A thing that many developers forgo is to not go according to the theme. On the other hand in the beginning its needed to do as its said in the theme when you do what’s said in the theme and do accordingly you will get more professional in less amount of time.

Second step - Word press:

Here comes the cool part. When you have developed the overall theme and have developed the website on that. You need to move ahead and to the second level. The second level is the 'word press' here you will make your website dynamic and powerful.
Perhaps, word press needs to be told in some other article. As for you, I guess you now have an idea how to go on with your website development progress. So, keep practicing, practicing & practicing till next time.

Posted by;
James Gilbert

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